Saturday 24 May 2014

ASUP Nec Meeting to Hold on Tuesday, 27 May, 2014 and the Strike might be called off

One of the Student, Adejoh Solomon Iko-ojo has this to say; but why the arrest? are they mad? or are they drunk? can’t they understand the polytechnic students feelings. A complete semester of the academic calender just wasted due to the strike action, and another semester is about to go uncounted for, what arrant nonsense! and all they could do is to arrest innocent students protestin for their rights? I pray for this country.
Nigeria School:
Although this is the same story we have been hearing every day, we sincerely hope that the Asup strike will be called off in the next ASUP/NEC meeting coming up next week.
We will update you.
Please share this information with our friends on twitter and Facebook.

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