Tuesday 27 May 2014

Asup Strike Clocks One Year – Nigeria is Educationally Disadvantaged

Academic activities in Nigeria public polytechnics have been paralyzed for the past 10 months which is over one academic year due to the strike action embarked upon byASUPand the slow pace of action in resolving it by the education ministry. The demands ofASUP unionare deemed genuine and rightful as this is a timely intervention to the educational disaster waiting to rock the Nigeria education system. Going by the figures available, Nigeria is a nation that is educationally disadvantaged. if you agree with me the mass failure of student in SSCE exams (WAEC) yearly, this lead to re-writing the exam again and again for students who fails to make the paper. Also when you compare the number of secondary school graduate yearly to the number ofJAMB UTME applicants, it is obvious that there is a population explosion in excess, that is over 70% of students that applied for JAMB the previous year are still re-applying the next year due to their inability to gain admission into tertiary institution. In most cases these students get frustrated after many trials and they end up on the on the street.(they also constitute the high number unemployed youths). After 10 months of strike action and no forthcoming solution, this show the lack of empathy and commitment on the side of the government and education ministry, also it took the National Assembly 8 months to realize that ASUP is on strike and only recently intervened. In whatever case the students are always on the receiving ends because after wasting one academic year at home if the strike is finally called off and ASUP demands are not met, then we the students have lost at both ends and rendered helpless. I hereby call on everyone that is involved on this strike issue to proffer a lasting solution and tentatively tackle the remote cause to prevent further disaster and curb the academic bomb waiting to explode on this country Nigeria.

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