Tuesday 27 May 2014

[MUST READ] for all !

- A very richman called Nelson Mandela died of Lung
cancer, and his money couldn’t afford the price of LIFE!

- Lady Diana died of car accident, her royalship couldnt
favour her 2 live.

- Kumlor Dumor died of cardiac arrest, his prestigious
occupation couldn’t save him.

- Prof. Mills just died recently, his Excellency couldnt
save him.

-Tito Villanova(fmr Barcelona coach) died of throat
cancer, nothing was able 2 save him.

You are not as rich as Tito Villanova; royal as Princess
Diana; Famous as Nelson Mandela; More fluent in
English than Kumlor Dumor, but u are moving here and
there without any illness, yet, you are feeling lazy to type
“Thank you God”.let us do it now.
Comment !!!

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